Ragdoll cats are the epitome of the ideal cat. Ragdoll cat characteristics make the ragdoll one of the most desirable breed of cats.
I fell in love with the Ragdoll cat breed many years ago. And there has been no turning back!
What’s to Love About a Ragdoll Cat? Ragdoll Cat Characteristics
1. Affectionate
Raggies are very affectionate. They crave attention from their people. It isn’t unusual for them to follow their owner from room to room throughout the day.
They thrive best with another pet for company and are highly social pets.
They usually respond favourably to lots of hugs and cuddles from their people.
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2. Appearance
There is no arguing, they are truly beautiful cats. Those amazing blue eyes are what first attracted me to these cats. Gorgeous eyes of varying shades of blue. Large proud cats with a definite presence and confidence. Striking appearance.
There are several colours and patterns.
3. Long Hair Coat
A long haired breed, with super soft silky fur. My Ragdolls are not been big shedders.
In fact, they shed less than my short-haired rescue cat. Although this varies from cat to cat, depending on many factors.
They do require some care for grooming as do all long haired cats. They are excellent groomers. I find my cats care for their coats very well on their own. But I do give them the occasional brushing.
Shedders? Yes, although not as much as I expected they would. Also depends on many other factors such as age, climate, season, diet and health status. Older Raggies can be prone to nasty mats which may need your help.
Related > The Amazing Ragdoll Coat – Things You Need to Know
4. Life Expectancy
The Ragdoll generally has a decent life expectancy. They live about 15-20 years, depending on genetics, health status, environment and diet.
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5. Intelligence
Ragdolls are smart cats. I’ve had ragdolls that would play fetch, shake a paw and play an aggressive game of kibble hockey!
Training a Raggie can be similar to training a dog. They respond very well.
6. Size
Their large size makes them particularly attractive to cat enthusiasts. They are similar in size to many dog breeds. In some cases, they are large than some dog breeds!
The males grow a bit larger than the lady cats. Most weigh in from around 12 lb up to around 22 lb, for the big strappers! They are definitely a cat with ‘presence’!
Related > 5 Things You Need to Know About the Size of Ragdoll Cats
7. Personality
They are big, sweet gentle giants. This breed is known for their laid-back personality. They often just like to hang loose like a rag doll when held. However, much depends on the home environment, other pets in the home and the breeder.
They love to play and be silly, especially as kittens. I’ve known folks who have returned their Ragdoll back to the breeder as they did not possess all of the common Ragdoll cat characteristics!
Are they friskier than most cats? When they are kittens, they can be insanely frisky and playful.
Don’t expect them to be quiet and docile when they are young! My kittens have been known to jump at the ceiling fans when they are turned on, just to give you an idea of just how active and spunky they can be. They will often settle down as they mature. Again, depends on the cat.
Related > Why Are They Called Ragdoll Cats?
8. Kid Friendly
These babes are very good with kids. They love to get dressed up, cuddled and hugged.
HOWEVER, they will take a lot of abuse and not vocalize about their discomfort. A child can hurt a Ragdoll cat. Be sure the child is responsible and is taught how to properly handle the cat.
Related > Ragdoll Cats and Kids – One of the Top Kid-Friendly Breeds
9. Vocal
They tend to vocalize more than the average cat. Mine tend to be vocal when trapped in a room on the ‘wrong side’ of a door! Much depends on the individual personality of the cat.
10. Adaptability to other pets
The easy going Ragdoll will get along nicely with other household pets, given some time to transition. They seem to enjoy the presence of other pets, whether another Ragdoll, another cat or even a dog. Or a hamster. Or a gerbil. You get the idea.:)
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REMEMBER: There are no guarantees that your Ragdoll cat will have each and every desirable trait which the breed is known for. They may not have what YOU deem is a perfect personality to meet your expectations.
Related >Is a Ragdoll Cat Right For You? 5 Things You Need to Know About the Ragdoll Breed
I am a believer that a cat will develop much of their personality from how they are treated and from their environment.
If you are leaving your Raggie alone for 10 hours each day, don’t be annoyed with him if he seems withdrawn and hides from you every now and then.
They are much like children. For the best results, they need to be nurtured and coddled to bring out their best.
If you are in search of a beautiful, long-haired cat, with presence and personality plus, then a Ragdoll cat, would be an excellent choice for you.