If you are considering adopting a Ragdoll kitten, it’s wise to be careful about what breeder you buy from. Here are some questions and tips to help you choose a Ragdoll breeder which raises health, sturdy kittens.
Research Potential Ragdoll Breeders
To start, compile a list of potential breeders. Don’t get hung up on details just yet. Just find the list of breeders.
The International Cat Association has a fairly comprehensive list of Ragdoll breeders but there are more out there.
Spend a few minutes online to get a full list together. Now you can start narrowing down.
Things to Consider When Selecting a Ragdoll Breeder
How close is your breeder?
The biggest factor for many people looking to adopt a Ragdoll is proximity. Many potential Ragdoll owners don’t want to ship or travel more than a few hours to pick up their new kitten. This can narrow down your options significantly.
While shipping your kitten by air is possible, I highly recommend picking them up to reduce the stress on your new floppy baby.
What is your breeder’s reputation?
Once you have a handful of breeders who are close enough to you, consider things such as your breeder’s reputation. For example, are they registered with any reputable organizations or societies?
There are a number of Ragdoll organizations that hold Ragdoll breeders to a standard. Of course, this depends on the organization. Your next best bet is to read online reviews.
What is your breeder’s online reviews?
A reputable Ragdoll breeder will have a website that showcases their previous litters and successful adoptions. They will be proud of their matches and excited to show you their history of beautiful, healthy Ragdoll kittens.
Schedule a Visit With Your Potential Ragdoll Breeder
Ask your breeder questions.
If your breeder is too far away, then you should consider scheduling a phone interview with your potential breeder. For a good breeder, this is not only expected but encouraged. A good breeder will not only not mind answering your questions, but may even have some questions for you as well.
Expect your breeder to ask you questions.
I spoke with one breeder who did not want her kittens going to a home with children. She was worried that the Ragdoll’s calm demeanor would result in children playing too roughly with them and possibly injuring a kitten.
An old Ragdoll myth is that they don’t feel pain. In truth, they just don’t show when they are hurt. While Ragdolls make exceptional cats for kids, this breeder didn’t like the risk involved for her kittens. It’s a respectable decision based on a genuine concern for her babies.
Ragdoll Quality
Consider medical issues.
Ask your breeder if their kittens have a history of any medical issues. Here’s the kicker, they should have issues. All purebred cats are expected to show at least one or two congenital health issues in their lifetime. Ragdolls have a history of heart disease and bladder stones. If a breeder claims their cats are flawless then they may be lying to you.
Ask about prior testing.
Another things to ensure before choosing your breeder is if they test their existing cats for infectious diseases. FIV and FELV can be passed from mother to kitten. These two diseases can range from mildly inconvenient to a death sentence for your baby. Make sure you choose a breeder that has a history of successful litters with healthy cats and consistent coat patterns.
Reputation First, Cost Second
You should expect to pay around $1200 to $2000 for your Ragdoll. Do NOT be fooled by a cheaper price.
If your breeder is offering discount Ragdoll kittens for less than the standard, be suspicious of the conditions of their facility. Unfortunately, there are kitten mills.
Think of the reputation of your breeder before considering cost.
Remember, this is a member of your family. Always put the reputations of your breeder as your first criteria to ensure your new Ragdoll kitten is getting the best start in life they can get.
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