Dealing with matted cat fur on your Ragdoll isn’t such a big deal especially if you are diligent about grooming your Raggies regularly.
Even just a light brushing from time to time will help to avoid nuisance matted cat fur.
1. Avoid collars 2. Regular grooming 3. Conditioner on fur when bathing 4. Don’t wet the mats
Supplies For Removing Your Ragdoll’s Matted Cat Fur
1. Small Slicker Brush 2. Wide Tooth Metal Comb 3. Corn Starch 4. Coconut Oil 5. Small Blunt Arm Scissors 6. Electric Clippers
1. Use a Wide Tooth Comb or Brush 2. Work Out a Little at a Time 3. Cornstarch or Coconut Oil
My boys will leap to the counter top where I groom them the moment I pull out the grooming tools as they know brushing = treats.
Still the best way to avoid mats, is regular grooming… kind of like preventative maintenance!